Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Darwin's day

Hi everyone! This is my first post. I would like to start my blog by reminding everyone that 12th Feb, 2009 is marked as the official day for celebrating Charles Darwin birthday as well as the 150th anniversary of the publication of his work "On the origin of species". This day is not celebrated as a national day by any single country but it's an international day of Science and humanity. This day is marked as the day to remember and honor the work of one of the greatest biologist who revolutionized the field of Biology and changed the way we look at life.

Charles Darwin, who is basically famous for his evolutionary theory via natural selection, has also done valuable contributions to other fields of Biology. His notable work includes "On the origin of species by means of natural selection(1859)", "The Descent of Man and selection in relation to sex", followed by "The expressions of the emotions in Man and Animals". His research on plants was published in a series of books including "The power of movement in plants" and in his final book "The formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms", he examined earthworms and their effect on soil. He is equally known for his work on coral atolls, barnacles and made valuable contributions to insect taxonomy. To check out the details about Darwin's day, click the link below:

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